Ul. Szkolna

Pl PolandPoznan


Name Ul. Szkolna
Site Type Middle range retailing street
Status Existing
Rental value 456.00 €/year
Length of the pitch 100 m
  • Ul. Szkolna has only one side of retailing, the other being a hospital. This street leads from the Kupiec Poznanski shopping centre to the Old Market Square (Stary Rynek). The retail is a mix of middle to low fashion and service retailing, however has one of the best foot traffic in Poznań. For this fact and a relativly low level of rent, it should be considered more and more by retailers looking for a high street location. There are some well known retailers like Rossmann, Triumph and 4 banks. At nr. 2, is a unit that hasn't seen a retailer for some time. Since 11/2008 to 08/2009 no change were notice with the retail mix.

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