
Pl PolandKatowice


Name Pedant
Site Type In-town shopping centre
Address ul. 3-go Maja 11, 40-096 Katowice
Status Extension Planned
Date Of Opening Dec 31, 1969
GLA 2,662 m2
Traffic arrivals 0 p./year
  • The Pedant Shopping Centre was first built in 1948 and is located on the high street ul. 3-go Maja. Because of its location there are no parking spaces, however has a very high frequency of foot traffic. The building has 6 floors, but the relaiting is limited. However as it's located on ul. 3 Maja, just next to the Rynek (market square) in Katowice, both streets generate a high volume of foot traffic. Deichmann took over from CCC as the shoe retailer.

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